Monday, October 25, 2010

Ken and Company

Last weekend I shot my very first wedding! Thanks to my new friends Ken and Lexy for hiring me. Here's a sample shot of Ken and his groomsmen/groomswoman. For this particular shot, the idea was to have a gritty, and hyper-contrasty "band" style.

He's comin' right at me!

A shot of my buddy Dave flyin' down the hill at Torrey Pines Park...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunset With a Lotta Terra Cotta

I think every sunset is beautiful - but every now and then, we get something extraordinary. It must have been something with the weird weather patterns we've been getting lately, because this one was a topper. The entire Mission Valley was covered in this surreal red-orange hue. It was almost like a dream state. I was able to capture this essence in two photos: one looking west and the other looking east...