Monday, July 25, 2011

Set Point!

I recently went on a shoot to create stock photography images with a tennis theme. Thanks to my buddy Eldred for letting me use his cool racquet and tennis balls to stage the shots. Here's a collage of some of my favorites...

That's Me!

Some shots of me at my latest photo shoot. Photo credits go to my assistant for this job, Steve Marshall, aka Steve-o!

Product Shots!

Here's a few of the final product shots from the Zero Waste USA photo shoot. For each product, I masked out the backgrounds in post-production. Thanks to Steve-o for being a great photo assistant and a big thanks to Tony (owner) for hiring me!

Portraiture Lighting

I recently upgraded my studio lighting set-up!!! It's been a long time coming. Here's a collage of some initial test shots against a white background...


I was recently commissioned from a client to do male back and shoulder shots. Here's some of my favs...

Dandelions in the backyard!!!

Fun With Balloons!

San Diego Nightscape

A shot of downtown from the bridge at Balboa Park - and having more fun with creating stars!

Flag Footballin' it up!

I brought the camera out to a local flag football game. I thought I'd have a little fun and practice some sports photography. Although I wasn't using a zoom lens on this one, I still managed to capture a few cool shots.

Moon on the Bridge

Havin' a little fun with compositing here. I captured two separate shots - one of the moon, and one of the bridge. I composited the two shots and created the "halo" effect around the moon. Then I created a 3rd composite layer of pure black, and applied a noise filter for the stars. I merged the 3 layers using masks and a "screen" blend with the stars. All in Photoshop. ;-)