Hello Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. I was recently inspired to fill an empty 5x7 frame we've had laying around. I wanted it to be something that was close and personal to us (myself and my girlfriend, Anne). In January, our hairless cat, Koala, who was a very big part of our lives, had passed away. I thought, a photo of Koala would be perfect, but which photo of her, and how would I portray her? Well, last week we watched a documentary called "The Buddha: The Story of Siddhartha". A VERY inspirational and captivating film on his life and his quest for inner peace and enlightenment. It reminded me of a photo I captured about 6 months earlier. Ya see, a friend of mine and his wife took a trip to China, and while visiting the Longhua Temple in Shanghai, they purchased an authentic Buddha statue for Anne and myself. Upon receiving this awesome gift, I set it up by the illuminated window to capture a series of macro shots. Well, if you know anything about hairless cats, they LOVE their sun - and the bright, sun-lit window sill just happened to be one of Koala's favorite hang-out spots. As I was capturing a macro shot of the profile of the Buddha, in the background, almost as if Koala had staged it, was her silhouette, in the exact same pose and profile of the buddha, almost like the shadow - a "reflection" of the Buddha and what he represents. This is the new photo in our 5x7 frame that sits on our dining room table...