Over Thanksgiving, I was traveling from the Sierra Nevada foothills to Sacramento along the rural highway 16. The sun was just setting as I passed by this pond in the middle of some farmland that caught my attention. It was a two-lane highway, and the Thanksgiving traffic was crazy. I wanted to take a photo, but I had no safe place to pull over, so I decided to keep heading to Sacramento. I kept driving for another 2 miles when something inside compelled me to turn around. I eventually found a safe turn-off and headed back. I'm glad I did...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Ken and Company
Last weekend I shot my very first wedding! Thanks to my new friends Ken and Lexy for hiring me. Here's a sample shot of Ken and his groomsmen/groomswoman. For this particular shot, the idea was to have a gritty, and hyper-contrasty "band" style.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunset With a Lotta Terra Cotta
I think every sunset is beautiful - but every now and then, we get something extraordinary. It must have been something with the weird weather patterns we've been getting lately, because this one was a topper. The entire Mission Valley was covered in this surreal red-orange hue. It was almost like a dream state. I was able to capture this essence in two photos: one looking west and the other looking east...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Makeshift Light Tent
A client approached me in need of some macro product shots. I thought the products would look the best if shot in a light tent. The Challenge? I didn't have a light tent and the client needed them the NEXT DAY! Ok, I'm always up for a good challenge. After calling around town and not being able to find the light tent I wanted, it was time to put my ingenuity to work. I ran to good ol' Home Depot. For under $40 I was able to locate and buy 2 daylight balanced fluorescent bulbs (to match the Speedlight on camera flash), 2 reflector dishes, and a 2x4 ft. diffusion panel. I grabbed a large cardboard box from the garage, and cut out windows on the front and sides. I then cut the light diffusion panel into two pieces and taped them over the side windows (but leaving the front open for the camera). I then lined the inside with white paper to prevent any brown color cast. White posterboard was curled and used for the seamless backdrop. I used the flaps on top as a light reflector for the camera's flash. Voilá!!! My very own makeshift light tent! The shots were completed on time, the client was happy, and I felt just a little smarter ;-) Here's a few samples of the results...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
♪♫ Symmetry oh Symmetry ♪♫
Outside my home, in the nearby canyon, we have rows of these giant electrical towers. Not the kind I used to climb as a kid. I'm not sure what the heck these mammoth things are - but I'm glad that they somehow provide me with the needed juice to make light bulbs illuminate, watch tv, and play on Facebook. From directly underneath, looking up, you can get a great view of the symmetrical build. Just don't tell SDG&E.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Spotlight Photo
There's a spot where Mission Center Rd. crosses the San Diego River that I always find fascinating. Something about the fusion of city and nature. I usually drive past this spot in the late afternoon/early evening when the sun is low in the western sky. This time, I felt compelled to bring my camera gear and attempt to capture some imagery. As I captured this shot, I was standing on the bridge directly above the S.D. River, and just underneath the elevated trolley tracks to catch the edge of the early evening sun.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Another Pepper Weekend
Just when we thought is was safe to go back into the kitchen, we once again have the "Pepperdome" set up. Check out my earlier post called "Pepperoncini Weekend" to get a re-cap. Again we are dog-sitting Pepper - this time for a week. Stricken with age and some physical disabilities, Pepper is a very (to put in mildly) dependent lil doggie. One of Pepper's favorite things to do is poop - which is why I think we connect. The other day, I took Pepper out on the lawn so he could perform his favorite activity, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Pepper with a big smile, and (clumsily) running around! How did Pepper get these powers? I ran in and grabbed my camera and got some shots....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Twilight Zone
I was jogging around the neighborhood at twilight (no - really!), when I came across this very cool scene. The streetlight was hitting the back of the stop sign and casting it's shadow on the ground. In the background, you could still see the deep, dark blue of the twilight sky. After finishing my jog (I swear!), I grabbed my camera gear and headed back to the spot. Another cool thing about this photo is the use of a small aperture to bring out the starburst in the street light and I actually used a flashlight to "light paint" the stop sign so the front would be visible.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New Baby Talon
A new addition to the family is always exciting, especially with a name like Talon. Napoleon Dynamite would be pretty stoked. Here' a few of the final shots from the photo shoot. Congratulations to the proud mom and dad!
Monday, May 17, 2010
No Dumping
I think it was the Five Man Electrical Band that said it best - "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind. Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?" Ok, I'll give some props to Tesla too. But, despite our rules-filled world, sometimes you just can't argue with Mother Nature...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Spotlight Photo
Hello Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. I was recently inspired to fill an empty 5x7 frame we've had laying around. I wanted it to be something that was close and personal to us (myself and my girlfriend, Anne). In January, our hairless cat, Koala, who was a very big part of our lives, had passed away. I thought, a photo of Koala would be perfect, but which photo of her, and how would I portray her? Well, last week we watched a documentary called "The Buddha: The Story of Siddhartha". A VERY inspirational and captivating film on his life and his quest for inner peace and enlightenment. It reminded me of a photo I captured about 6 months earlier. Ya see, a friend of mine and his wife took a trip to China, and while visiting the Longhua Temple in Shanghai, they purchased an authentic Buddha statue for Anne and myself. Upon receiving this awesome gift, I set it up by the illuminated window to capture a series of macro shots. Well, if you know anything about hairless cats, they LOVE their sun - and the bright, sun-lit window sill just happened to be one of Koala's favorite hang-out spots. As I was capturing a macro shot of the profile of the Buddha, in the background, almost as if Koala had staged it, was her silhouette, in the exact same pose and profile of the buddha, almost like the shadow - a "reflection" of the Buddha and what he represents. This is the new photo in our 5x7 frame that sits on our dining room table...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Spotlight Photo
Pepper the Chihuahua! See the "Pepperoncini Weekend" blog to get the story.
This photographic effect, which I call the "Hyperreal" look, was achieved through a technique of over sharpening and exaggerated detail enhancement. Then after a few local touch-ups, fixes, and a few kicks to the tires, we have our final image. Ruuuff!
Pepperoncini Weekend
Last weekend we received the honors of dog-sitting "Pepper", our friend Riki's chihuahua. To say that Pepper is long in the tooth may be an understatement. Let's just say, if Pepper were in a tribe, he'd be the wise elder of the village. We built a barricaded living quarters for him in the kitchen, which I called the Pepperdome. Despite his new kingdom, he was very content to remain in his favorite bed (throne) most of the time. Early Saturday morning, I took the opportunity to capture the lil' guy. The style I created for these shots is a "painterly" effect, with desaturated colors, and exaggerated contrast. All Hail Pepper!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lately I have been dabbling more into what I'd call Intimate Portraiture Photography - a fusion of intimacy/lifestyle/glamor. This would include couples, engagement photos, pregnancy photos, newborns, glamor shots, weddings, etc...(no official weddings yet). Luckily, I have a girlfriend who's "easy on the lens" ;-) Because of all the rainfall we've been having lately, flowers have taken over San Diego. This inspired us to head out and create some of these Intimate Portraiture shots. Thanks Anne for being such a great model and such a hot mamasita! Here are a few from that day...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Spotlight Photo
Oh Sundays... A day of relaxation, slo-mo, and BBQ's. It was a beautiful day, and I decided to invite some friends over to hang out on the deck and catch some sunshine. So I called up my pals Jason, Jason, and Jason. I'm the one in the red shirt...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Brian & Jesi's "Preggers by the Fireplace" shoot
We just finished up the 3rd and final shoot of Brian & Jesi's Pregnant photos. This last series was shot at Brian & Jesi's home, in front of their fireplace. The biggest challenge here was shooting in low light, and matching that lighting with the fire light. Complementary warm, orange tungsten lighting to match the same color temperature as the fire did the trick. And luckily I was working with two spectacular subjects (actually three!) with patience, could hold very still when necessary, and with great chemistry. Thanks Brian and Jesi for such a fun experience!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Spotlight Photo

The other day I was visiting a friend of mine. We went out to his backyard to soak up some sun and chit-chat. Next thing I know, his neighbor's dog, Coco, came running up to play with us. Coco seemed so happy and full of life! I loved it - it was a great reminder for me to slow down, look around and also appreciate life. It's like the universe giving me a little nudge and saying "Yo Jason! You're never too old to experience life as if you were discovering it for the first time. Gratitude, Happiness, Reverence for Life!". Thanks Coco.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Spotlight Photo

I was cruisin' through Poway the other day when a section of the road came to this intriguing dead end. It contained a fence and reflectors blocking the entrance to an old and beat-up dirt road which screamed "stay out!". Photo op maybe? Curiosity took me over - and I'm no cat - so I figured I'd be safe. I pulled over, and grabbed my camera. I walked up this steep, deserted road, following it's twist and turns for about 100 yards. When I reached the top, this was what I encountered. To me, this image leaves open so many stories. What was this property? Why was the owner so angry? What past events prompted this? If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this one is worth a million.
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Shadow Knows
Most photographers know that lighting is the key essence of a photo. Sometimes, just being aware of nothing but lighting can inspire a great shot. This morning, as I was making my way to the kitchen, I caught the morning sun shining through the window and onto this horse statuette. It created this very stylized and dramatic scene with the shadow cast onto the wall. I knew it would only last a matter of minutes as the sun was quickly rising. I sprang for my gear and captured my vision...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Steve-o in Aviators

Last weekend I was hangin' out with my buddy Steve-o at the Windansea area of San Diego. There's nothing like a Saturday afternoon in the front yard, the sun's shining, beer in hand, and good friends. Steve-o had thrown on these super-reflective aviator-style shades, and I knew this was too good to pass up. Fortunately, like any good photographer (crazy photographer?, obsessive photographer?), I had my camera gear with me. Behold - I give you "Steve-o in Aviators".
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spotlight Photo

Hello everyone - welcome to baby season! Or at least that's how it seems. It appears more and more of my friends are getting plump bellies - and we're not talking beer and cake. Last weekend I did a photo shoot for my friends, Brian and Jesi (and their dog, Preta). They wanted a feature photo for their Baby Shower invites they're going to send out. They wanted a more casual, goofy photo that would let their laid-back and fun personalities shine through. I think I can say, "mission accomplished". Congrats on the new family member!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Linking My Blog with Facebook
Monday, March 15, 2010
Photo of the Week
Friday, February 19, 2010
Photo of the Week

This shot was captured while out on the ocean last weekend for a Whale Watching expedition. The small sailboat enables a powerful perspective of the vastness of the ocean. The morning fog almost ethereally covers the mountain range which is actually showing where California ends and Mexico begins. As for the whales? Well, let's just say this time whales:1, Jason:0.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Biker at Red Light

Sometimes, capturing a great moment is simply about having your camera with you. While in the car, I found myself directly behind this biker, with the cityscape of University Town Center (East La Jolla, San Diego) and this killer cloud formation behind him. Quick on the draw, I was able to freeze this moment in time.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Foggy Morning in Mission Valley
Hello all! Sorry it's been so long. It seems once the holidays hit, time just slips by. I hope everyone's 2010 is off to a great start!
The other morning I was up early, just as the sun started to rise over Mission Valley. I couldn't believe the incredible scene of the rising sun illuminating this thick blanket of morning fog covering the Hillcrest/Mission Hills side of Mission Valley. The entire scene changed by the seconds, and all the morning fog was completely gone within a half hour.
These photos were captured from the bluffs overlooking Fashion Valley Mall during that short half hour window.

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