Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Jason, happy birthday to me. And many more...... Time to blow out 38 candles - see you in a bit....
Monday, June 29, 2009
Photo of the Week

This week's photo was created while on the same photo shoot as the Shopping Cart series. This is actual evidence that I was, indeed, train dodging ;-) I call this shot - "Loco Motion". Ok, so maybe I'm making it sound a little more dangerous than it actually was - or am I? ;-) This shot was achieved by slowing the shutter speed to 1/8 of a second. Unfortunately, I didn't have a tripod at this time - but I was still able to pull it off with a steady hand and a little help from the good ol' image stabilization on my lens.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Shopping in the Recession
On the way to my studio each day, while on the 5, I pass over this giant drainage system. And each time, I catch a glimpse of this shopping cart way off in the back. I thought - "that would make an interesting shot", but what are the chances it would still be there if I ever went back? Well, after about a week of seeing it everyday, the shopping cart never left. I think at one point, it may have even called my name. So yesterday, I waited until the sun was nice and low, creating a softer, warmer light, and took the side roads on the search for the Shopping Cart in the Drainage. Eventually I found the spot. After jumping through dirt fields, crossing railroad tracks, and scaling the drainage walls, I was able to position my self to capture these interesting compositions. The best part - I was able to come out unscathed - despite slipping and almost falling many times, and train dodging twice. The worst part - that's not mud in the drainage system.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Photo of the Week

Happy summer everyone! This week's Photo of the Week is a sneak peek at a series I have been working on. It's a campaign of nostalgic-looking photos - most of them being centered around the beach/surfing theme. The effect is created by using a Photoshop Action called "Old School" from Totally Rad!. Of course, I have my hand in the creation of the photo - the subject, lighting, composition, and some tonal tweaking. I also manually apply the old lens effect with the vignette and blur. And for an added aged look, I hit it with that distressed effect. Voila! Was it taken in 1909, or was it created in 2009?
When the series is complete later this summer, I'll have a Coffee Table book available with all these "throwback" photos. I'll keep ya posted. The photos will also be used in some other "fun" ways. And as always, all of my photos are available in print at any sizes - just ask!
Enjoy the first week of Summer 2009!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Klassy Koala
Have you ever seen a hairless cat? Besides Mr. Bigglesworth? We happen to have one. Her name is Koala. I can honestly say there is nothing on this planet even close to her looks, personality, and disposition. That's why we think she may actually be an alien, disguised in this elaborate costume of flesh and bone, to observe and study us. Then she somehow reports back to the Mothership with super-intelligent and technologically advanced communication methods. Like a cross between Men In Black and Alien. Despite this trickery, I can honestly say, to know her is to love her.

The other day, she was on the window sill as the sun was low on the horizon, creating this perfect dramatic lighting. I'm not sure what she was looking at - it could have been her Mothership, but non the less, I took advantage of the opportunity to capture the moment. In post production, I applied a warm filter and some softening effects. Behold the Klassy Koala!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Photo of the Week

Would you believe me if I told you this photo actually took almost an hour of shooting to get the perfect pose, focus, and composition? I never knew just how shy a spider can be. You'd think with their ego and authority that they throw around they'd be a little more unperturbed. But, then, there I go stereotyping again. I guess every spider has his own issues to deal with, just like anyone. Fortunately, after a little positive reinforcement and flattery, I got him to open up a bit and relax.
de Alba,
mind in the shutter,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I went to my very first Photographer's User Group last night. I didn't know what to expect - and all I can say is WOW! It's a brand new group that's starting here in San Diego, and being lucky enough to attend the first meeting - I'm taking this as my sign to grab the bull by the, uhm, horns, and take a leadership position in helping to launch this group. I may be making history here folks ;-)
It was extremely inspiring and motivating. We talked a lot about "who you are" and how it relates to your photography. Being true to yourself and your creativity. And knowing that we all have the tools to achieve anything! It's just a matter of taking the first steps. We don't have to know where we're going or what we're going to do - just take those first steps.
As three very wise women once said - "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!" I can't wait to capture more of my creative energies. Be sure to check back here often to see what I'm up to. You can also see more of my photos at my web site:
Photo of the Week

Friday, June 5, 2009
Black and White and Grey all over
Here's a series of self portrait shots I did. Using spot lighting and high contrast, I am able to create these dramatic photos. Ad a little grittiness and monotone work in post-production and bam! I'm ready to be in an advertisement for a work-out supplement drink. Ok, either that or a razor ad ;-)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Droplet Like it's Haute
Funny thing about San Diego - rain is rare. So when it does rain here, I find it a great opportunity to capture the local flora and fauna in it's unfamiliar and wet condition. A condition that most people in the rainy regions see all the time, and fail to appreciate. I mean, snails in the desert? C'mon - if this doesn't raise a brow..... I spent last Saturday morning capturing some of these wet and misty images up close and personal. I call it "Droplet Like it's Haute". Applaud here.... ;-)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Photo of the Week
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